Monday, 30 January 2012

I'm Horrible + DIY Sugar Foot Scrub!

I know, I'm a horrible person for not updating this more often. I promise a tutorial soon, but I'm going to be doing a 'Spa Series'. It will consist of DIY (Do It Yourself) tutorials or recipes. This week's is a sugar foot scrub. I use this for my feet but you can use it for your face, lips, body, hands, feet...any part of your body.

~Honey (Optional)
Personally, I don't use honey. The scent just repulses me, but if you choose to use it please use sparingly.

In a bowl add sugar (as much as you want) and a little bit of water (not too much). Mix together to form a paste. If you want it thicker add more sugar, if you want it thinner add more water. Soak your body part in water (take a bath, it's my favourite!). Massage on any part of your body for 1-5 minutes, I like to let it soak into my skin a little bit too for a few seconds at least (more like 30 sec). After, rinse your body part off (let's assume it's your feet) and apply lotion. It's very important to moisturise your skin, I cannot stress this enough!  If you have left over solution, use a small container and seal it in there. Use once a week for good results. 

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