Monday, 30 January 2012

I'm Horrible + DIY Sugar Foot Scrub!

I know, I'm a horrible person for not updating this more often. I promise a tutorial soon, but I'm going to be doing a 'Spa Series'. It will consist of DIY (Do It Yourself) tutorials or recipes. This week's is a sugar foot scrub. I use this for my feet but you can use it for your face, lips, body, hands, feet...any part of your body.

~Honey (Optional)
Personally, I don't use honey. The scent just repulses me, but if you choose to use it please use sparingly.

In a bowl add sugar (as much as you want) and a little bit of water (not too much). Mix together to form a paste. If you want it thicker add more sugar, if you want it thinner add more water. Soak your body part in water (take a bath, it's my favourite!). Massage on any part of your body for 1-5 minutes, I like to let it soak into my skin a little bit too for a few seconds at least (more like 30 sec). After, rinse your body part off (let's assume it's your feet) and apply lotion. It's very important to moisturise your skin, I cannot stress this enough!  If you have left over solution, use a small container and seal it in there. Use once a week for good results. 

Sunday, 15 January 2012

My Favourite Youtube Beauty Gurus!

Here are my favourite youtube beauty gurus, I thought this would be fun to see what I like to watch. In the comments please post your favourite beauty gurus! :)

MichellePhan *Sometimes, not that often though*

I'll add more once I think of it. These are who I watch on almost a daily-basis :)

Random Talk Of The Day #2

Hey guys :) Welcome to RTOTD #2, I found this a while ago, lost it then found it again. I think this is either by myself a few years ago or one of my friends...I'm not quite sure, but it really inspired me for the present and future. :3

I'm so jealous, a jealous freak. But, I brought it on myself I'm the one who made him runaway. It's not his fault nor is it mine--we're only human, things and feelings change.I made a mistake and that's part of life; you make mistakes and learn from them. I learned a valuable lesson in life: Don't let the one you love runaway, bring them back. But if you really love them, set them free. If they really love you, they'll come back. I did exactly that, I set my first real love free and he did come back, as my best friend instead. Yes, best friends are important to you in life and you love them nonetheless for who they are, not who they aren't. This boy, my closest long-distance friend, the one I trust with my secrets. I have another best friend, yes but our relationship isn't quite the same. We've only been *best* friends for two years now, we don't have any history behind us from the past. But with Him we have a lot of history, we were young and in love--I've never had a relationship like that since...I've only been in one since we broke up and it was...horrible. The guy was--and is--a complete meanie. I was happy when me and 'guy' were over. I only want Him (not 'guy') to be happy and he is, I'm happy too but I still have those feelings for him and I always will. Nothing is going to change that, he was my first love for crying out loud :) He's the best and I love him as a best/close friend and he loves me as a friend too :)

So...yeah, I think that may have been by me but I'm not sure. I'm not sure when it was written either, that's horrible :P But it did inspire me and make my heart fill with joy :)
Hope you enjoyed my little inspiration piece.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Review: Conair Shower Comb

My baby ^ Mmhm, that's what it looks like ;)

Hey girls! Today I'm going to be doing a review on the Conair Wide Toothed Detangling Shower Comb--mouthful, I know. So, I'll be listing the pros and cons of this comb below.
Pros: Not too big, but not too small; great for distributing conditioner/product, detangles hair with an 'ouch-less' feel, lightweight--perfect for travelling.
Cons: It's almost too big, if that makes sense. Sure, it is travel size and all isn't that small. 
--As you can see I don't have any problems with this comb, it's perfect for my thick, long layered wavy-straight hair. I don't recommend it for styling, but for detangling wet hair it's perfect <3 I hope you've enjoyed this review, it's my first ever review so don't be too harsh ;) 

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Update-y Thing and just random talk ;)

Sorry I haven't been posting many tutorials or anything...yet ;) I'm putting together a really cool tutorial for you, so stay tuned. 

So next Sunday I am going shopping with my grandparents--if you're thinking 'oh wow, you're so cool', my grandparents are cool and so much fun to shop with--to a couple malls that are close to each other. One is HUGE complete with two or three stories, a huge food court and my favourite...Bath and Body Works!! There is those cool-teen stores too, big brand names you know..Guess, West 49, Campus Crew, Garage...? But it's mighty expensive in most of those stores ;) If I love something, I don't have a problem with buying it if I know I'll wear it and cherish it :P 

Something about walking the length of the mall, chatting all things with my grandparents, aunts, Mom etcetera, is just enchanting. I love slowly walking around the stores, looking at all the wonderful clothing articles, make-up products, books--you name it. I love trying clothes on and bursting out of the change-rooms with a flourish and announcing "I LOVE this!" it's just a great feeling, you know? No, you probably don't. Most people go shopping alone or with friends and I feel as if when I go with friends it's kind of a competition...I prefer to shop with my family :) So yes, there will be a haul with some pictures, prices and store names ;)
*  *  *
The beach. Summer. Romance novels. Sigh, this year is going by quickly which I'm glad. I miss summer and all things that go with it. I love walking along beaches, swimming and bikini season ;) Haha, but the only thing I hate about what I call 'bikini season' is that girls think it's 'cute' or 'hot' when they wear bikinis that show off everything--it gets on my nerves! >.< Personally, denim shorts and a bikini top with my big sunglasses is 'cute' enough for me without showing off anything. 

Winter's sure not itself lately. It's not very cold out nor is there very much snow :( Oh well, I can live with this weather, I'm quite enjoying it actually.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Hair :)

Below are all of the tools and accessories I'll be using in my tutorials.
~Goody Bobby Pins
~Goody Hair Ties (62)
~Flower Clips (Ardene's)
~Bow Clips (Ardene's)
~Revlon Hair Straightener (I'm not quite sure of the make yet)
~Conair Ionic Hair Straightener
~Regular Bobby Pins
~Goody Paddle Brush
~Conair 6-in-1 (Straightener, I'll never use that, crimper, curler, etc.)
~Other hair ties
~Tresemme Heat Tamer Spray
The Goody hair ties are a nice, non-harmful quality. They are tight enough to ensure your hair is secure, but it doesn't really tug-and-pull. They are colourful and neutral which is amazing, plus there are 62 of them! :)
 The Goody Paddle Brush is amazing! It doesn't pull your hair and it makes it so smooth and soft. Plus, it's purple :D
 The straighteners are both amazing qualities and they have heat settings. The only difference between them of course is the brand, and the ionic one is healthier for your hair and it conditions it.

Welcome :)

Hi, I'm Ali. I'm just your average hair-obsessed teen--I love braiding, simple, unique and casual hairstyles. I love to learn new hairstyles and techniques and I also like to make up my own. I'll do themed hairstyles and normal, every day hairstyles and formal hairstyles :) I have a lot of creativity in me and right now I can only do picture tutorials and written tutorials. Thanks for hopping aboard the 'Princess Hair Train', our only stop is the castle, where the princess lives!

Haha, imaginative aren't I? Yes, I'm a teenager but I'm mature for my age (sometimes). I will also have a little bit of nail tutorials and some fun stuff to take breaks from hair. I'll probably start with all the hair tools I use or a nail tutorial.
Thanks :)